Photography Courses, Digital Photography Schools, Fashion Photography Courses, Fashion Photography Tips, Fashion Photography Tutorial, Nude Photography Lessons, Photography Lessons, Photography courses, Photography Training Classes, Portrait Photography, Senior Photography Courses
Listen up US, Bruce Smith, Renowned United kingdom Fashion Photographer, will soon be crossing over the Atlantic ocean, providing the greatest Location And Studio Fashion Photography Classes available anyplace.
Where: Ny, Chicago, Los angeles & Miami
8 places on each Location And Studio Fashion Photography Course
When: During August 2012 New York: August 1st to 3rd - $1299 Chicago: August 10th to 12th - $1299 Los Angeles: August 17th to 19th - $1299 Miami: Aug 22nd to 24th - $1299
These are 3-day Location And Studio Fashion Photography classes that will consist of 1 day of lecture and shoot preparation, 1 day of shooting in the studio and 1 day of shooting out on location in the middle of
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